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Start a New Collection with the Silver Shield Rounds from GSM

The beauty of collecting silver comes in its diversity. There’s never a shortage of one-time releases or full collections to purchase each piece in, whether it’s a silver coin series from a sovereign mint or a silver round collection from a private mint or refinery. In fact, buying silver as part of a collection is a different task than investing in silver bullion coins or bars because it’s all about individual preference. Which designs speak to you? Which ones are you drawn to and find that you simply must own? The Golden State Mint understands the unique appeal of collectible silver rounds and strives to create designs that attract various collectors.

The Silver Shield Collection from Golden State Mint has been in production since 2016. Like many collections, there is a shared reverse design that all rounds feature and unique obverse designs available for a limited time with each new issue in the collection. Below is a recap of the available Silver Shield rounds recently added to the catalog at JM Bullion.

About the Silver Shield Collection

The Golden State Mint bills its Silver Shield Collection as designs that “speak volumes.” Each of the individual designs in this impressive collection attempts to connect with controversial issues of the day, as well as some of mankind’s controversial issues from the past. The designs in the Silver Shield Collection are created with beauty and quality in mind, while also connecting with the issues mentioned above. The name of the collection may also come off as a bit misleading. While JM Bullion proudly carries each of these designs on .999 silver rounds, Golden State Mint also offers the designs in .999 fine copper and .9999 pure gold.

Pieces of Eight

One of the original designs in the Silver Shield Collection was that of the Pieces of Eight Silver Round. This round is the only option at JM Bullion that has the original reverse design for the Silver Shield Collection. In this image, you’ll find a stylized sun with bursts of flaming rays emanating from its center and an eight-pointed star in the middle. Engravings around the outer edge include “Silver Shield” and “1 oz .999 AG.”

The obverse of the Pieces of Eight Round features a marauder’s skeleton in the center wearing a bandana over his skull and an eye patch. There are eight different swords surrounding the skull like the spokes of wheel. Each one represents a different colonial power that attempted to conquer the world and take control of natural resources beyond their own borders. The design offers a real look at the cost of colonialism as European powers plundered the natural wealth of the America’s for centuries.

2018 Silver Shield Collection Designs

The Silver Shield Collection has a consistent release schedule with new designs offered regularly. The 2018 collection features prominently in our catalog, with four different designs available. These silver rounds have a shared reverse design which has been revamped for 2018 issues. The new Silver Shield Collection reverse design includes a sword standing on its point in the center which is wrapped in flames and backed by an ornate design field. Surrounding the sword are engravings of “Silver Shield” and “1 Troy Ounce 2018 .999 Pure Ag.” At the very outer edge of the design field, you’ll find a ring of flames.

The obverse side of the 2018 Silver Shield Collection designs vary and include some inspired by American history and coin design. Here’s a brief look at the Silver Shield Collection designs from 2018 available from JM Bullion:

  • Trivium Girls: This design features three female figures representative of the trivium in the lower division of the seven liberal arts. Represented in the design are women symbolizing wisdom, logic, and rhetoric. Lady Grammar is on the left with a book in hand, while Lady Rhetoric is to the right with a horn in her hands to amplify her message. Looming above the pair is Lady Logic in the center.
  • Don’t Tread on Me: As American colonists began the march to war with the United Kingdom in 1775, these brave souls rallied around the battle cry “Don’t Tread on Me.” Though it best known to Americans from our own collective history, this rallying cry can be heard around the world from the oppressed who are controlled by forces out of touch with reality and separated by distance from the people they attempt to govern.
  • Crucifixion: This particular design in the Silver Shield Collection focuses on how Roman oppressors and local leaders in Jerusalem silenced the views of Jesus Christ through crucifixion. When he was nailed to the cross, a sign was placed atop his cross that had the shortened Roman letters “INRI,” which stands for “Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum.” In English, this translates to “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”
  • Freedom Girl: Among the most beautiful designs is that of Freedom Girl. The Golden State Mint’s own twist on the Peace Silver Dollar from US circulation history, this image of Liberty as a symbol of freedom depicts a female figure with free-flowing, long hair and includes the word “Freedom” engraved on the obverse.

Start Your Silver Shield Collection with JM Bullion

If you have any questions about availability, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can connect with JM Bullion on the phone at 800-276-6508, chat with us live online, or simply send us an email. As always, we encourage you to follow us on Facebook and check back regularly with our blog to get the latest on new additions to our catalog!

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created at:12/19/2024, 12:54:47 PM